Collective Statement of Intent Project Saving Survivors aka #RhinoWarriors
Let’s be CLEAR about our goals so there aren’t any misconceptions:- RAISE AWARENESS to stop this destructive behavior, the senseless slaughter of innocent Rhinos.
- RAISE FUNDS to enable those that preserve and protect Rhino in Africa to accomplish their vital task.
- PROVIDE MORAL SUPPORT for those on the frontlines, especially the anti – poaching unit by creating awareness on all social media platforms available to you .
- EFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION OF DONATIONS to ensure funds raised reach their intended end use
- MAINTAIN THE EFFORT in support of Saving the Survivors.
- BUILD A PRESENCE by creating the #RhinoWarrior group
#AwarenessChallenge #RhinoHornIsNotMedicine #RhinoWarriors

I was born with the dust of Africa flowing through my veins. This happy fact has blessed me with an abiding passion—and compassion—for all living creatures. This innate love for nature has remained with me all these years that I’ve been fortunate to live in the United States. But despite the great geographic distance from the continent of Africa, my soul aches, because I sense the cry of the voiceless. Those large mammals, the elephant—and especially the rhino, are in the midst of nihilistic struggle for their very survival. How could I not answer their call? So I’ve begun to do something about it. A drumbeat of postings on social media wasn’t achieving any perceptible change. A new approach was needed. On March 28, 2015 I held a fundraiser that literally changed my life! I was overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit shown by both friends and strangers; people stepped forward and raised their hands, contributing in every way ~ from product, talent, music, yoga, entertainment, food and the venue. We donated more than $1000 to Saving the Survivors, OSCAP (Outraged South African Citizens against Poaching) and Fight with Mike. Now to the next salvo in this fight against the horrors of animal poaching. In the Spirit of “doing what you can, with what you have…now,” I’ve been joined by three amazing humans and together we created this “Body of Work” as a homage to nature’s splendor. It was both scintillating and a privilege—if only for those moments the body paint was applied to the human form—to bear the exotic markings of so many wonderful animals. The sheer spectacle, brazen with creativity—and memorialized by the camera’s flattering eye, has exceeded my expectations. I am elated by this opportunity to have you join me as a fellow rhino protector.

Ann invited me to be part of the save the Rhino campaign. It was a no brainer decision for me. I have heard of the issue before and have wondered “what can I do to help”. Donating money is something I have done before. It is the easy thing to do. It is important to dispel some of the myths. I hold no illusions that this will be seen by the people that believe the silly things. But the goal is to raise funding for other things. The funding for stopping the poachers. The funding for educating the ignorant. I think if we don’t DO something we will reach a point of no return. What can you do?
When Ann came to me & told me about the “Save the Rhinos” project she was working on I was immediately interested. I thought that perhaps I could do my part by adding some artistic flair to the message. It was a unique challenge to create interesting airbrushing art while keeping focus on what was important. Although there was certainly a tone of “sexibition”, I believe that the photographic vision was more of bringing a person’s focus to the plight of the Rhinos by combining the human body & tasteful body art. I hope that the sale of this collaborative effort will bring the horrible trade to it’s end.